A New Beginning
The music industry is broken for artists. Over the past few decades, various business model adaptations have emerged, but they all lead artists down a path of limited ownership and creative control. Unfortunately, this has often resulted in a diluted experience for listeners and supporters.
As someone who has always valued independence, I find pleasure in discovering ways to disrupt the status quo. This is the platform where we will lay the foundation for something new. To be clear, I’m not here to satisfy the never-ending demands of the industry or the world. If you're looking for something traditional, stop reading now—you’re in the wrong place.
Everything you read or watch on this website is content created directly from my mind, just for you. You can be confident that what you see here comes straight from the source. There are no handlers, no middlemen, and no loud, uncultured voices drowning out my thoughts. I'm not here to chase chart positions, awards, or anyone's definition of relevance. I don’t consider myself a member of “the industry.” The only membership that matters to me is the one that exists here on chamillionaire.com.
Let’s build a new empire together—the future starts now.